About Me

Welcome to The Neeti Project, a safe space to discuss sexual and gender-based violence prevention and support in India! "Neeti" or "Neethi" means justice in several Indian languages. 

What is The Neeti Project ? 

The Neeti Project is a platform for us to provide information to you. The ‘you’ here refers to anyone who: 

  • has confronted any form of violence or has had their personal space invaded by someone else.
  • wants general information on their human rights
  • wants to know how to support survivors who have faced any violence or violation
  • wants to know what they can do as a bystander

The Neeti Project is for anyone from any age group, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, educational background, socio-economic status, etc.                                         

What is the Justice for You Research Initiative?

The Justice for You Research Initiative is an initiative under The Neeti Project. It is a platform for you to provide information to us. The ‘you’ here refers to survivors who have confronted any form of violence or have had their personal space invaded by someone else. It is for any survivor from any age group, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, educational background, socio-economic status, etc.

Why are survivors the participants for this initiative?

Because survivors have lived experiences of navigating through various systems that have been established to support them. Therefore, survivors are the best cohort who know whether the support systems and services established for them, have any gaps, provide them justice, and strive for greater perpetrator accountability. The act of survivors providing this knowledge is not only transformative, but can also be collectively healing in knowing they aren't alone in their experiences. 

What are you, as a survivor, gaining by providing us with information?  

By giving us data, you are paving the way for positive societal transformation in various ways including raising awareness, creating local campaigns, collective action, policy change, training, skill building, capacity building, etc. The information you give is a way for us to progress towards creating a more perpetrator accountability-driven and survivor-centric society, and can be instrumental in (hopefully) ending gross violations and violence. 

Why should you care about yet another project for social change?

Because violence and violations continue to persist in our society. Although certain groups are more vulnerable than others to confront brutality or an infringement of their rights, the horrid truth is that anyone can confront violence or violations at any point depending on circumstances. A stepping stone towards ending this cycle of violence is to think of ways in which we can prevent perpetrators from re-offending by increasing accountability while also providing survivors of SGBV with caring, warm, supportive communications so that they can overcome trauma and lead fulfilling lives as they so deserve. 

If you are sold on our objectives, here’s how you can be a part of the change: 

1. Research volunteer involved in collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data we receive.
2. Social media volunteer involved in creating templates for social media posts and stories.
3. Outreach volunteer involved in reaching out to potential stakeholders.
4. Writer volunteer involved in writing posts for The Neeti Project Blog.

You will be provided with a completion certificate and/or a letter of recommendation for all your efforts. 

We would love to hear from you and absorb all the wonderful ideas you may have to expand this project!

The Brainchild of these Initiatives: 

Rasika Sundaram is a Tamilian born in Vancouver and raised in Chennai. She graduated with an honors degree in Psychology from York University, Toronto. Her inquisitiveness to understand the causes for trauma to occur in society has led her to pursue a career in human rights, particularly in the field of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and support. She has worked with organizations like The Gender Security Project  and WomenattheCentrE (Toronto) and has received training from York University's CSVRSE and OAITH. Apart from spending time with friends and family, you can find her writing, reading, dancing, singing, or sketching!



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