Justice for You Research Initiative

Support Our Research: 

Through research, we hope to enhance the process of seeking justice for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) by achieving the goals mentioned above. 
Supporting us on this journey is simple!
  • Listed below is a link to our surveys aimed at: 
    • those who identify as survivors of sexual or gender-based violence (SGBV). 
    • those who reside in India
    • those who are not involved in any current civil or criminal legal proceedings
  • You can  respond to as many surveys as you like based on how they are relevant to you as each individuals experiences and circumstances are distinct. 
  • Please do not submit more than one questionnaire under each survey
  • You can be a respondent of any identified gender
  • If you are uncertain with regards to identifying as a survivor of sexual or gender-based violence, click the link below: 
  • Answering Survey 1  & Survey 10 is mandatory for individuals who want to participate in this research project. 


Neeti for You: 

If you would like to share your story and tell the world what justice means to you as a survivor, here is the platform for you to do so! Fill out the questionnaire and click submit for your words to be featured on this blog. Your voice can have immense impact for positive change and we hold deep gratitude for the input you share. 


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