Building Your Own First Aid Kit

“Hello there! I’m here to provide you with a bit of information on building a first aid kit. I would like to remind you that suggestions on this post should not be taken as medical advice, legal advice, mental health advice, or as a one-size-fits-all approach. What you as a survivor may be experiencing after having confronted a traumatic experience is normal. What you as a bystander may be going through while supporting a survivor is absolutely okay and typical too. If you need additional resources or just someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to The Neeti Project." 

(Image source:

NOTE: The following data has been reproduced from Saahas, an app for individuals facing gender based violence to find assistance easily, created by Kirthi Jayakumar.

Kirthi has been a huge pillar of support and a personification of kindness and generosity since the get-go of this initiative. Members of The Neeti Project hold deep gratitude towards her constant assistance and contributions to make this space and the world at large, a better place.

A first-aid kit is a quick and handy tool to carry with you, both for yourself and for anyone else in need. They help you deal with emergency medical needs until you can get to a hospital or a professional medical caregiver. Remember, a first aid kit and its uses are not a substitute for medical help.

You may buy pre-constructed first aid kits from medical stores or even online. You can also assemble a kit with the following basic essentials. The quantity depends on the size of the kit you want to carry and the budget you have in mind for the kit. Your kit can Include the following items: 
  1. Adhesive bandages
  2. Non-Adhesive bandages
  3. Crepe bandage
  4. Regular strength pain medication
  5. Gauze
  6. Low grade disinfectant
  7. Pocket mask / face shield
  8. Antiseptic wipes
  9. Band-aids
  10. Cotton balls / Cotton rolls / Cotton swabs
  11. Plaster
  12. Iodine
  13. Hydrogen Peroxide
  14. Oral Rehydration Solution
  15. Eye wash
  16. Hand sanitizer
  17. A clean towel
  18. Tissues
  19. Sterile eye pads, gauze pads and non-adherent pads
  20. Scissors
  21. Tweezers
  22. Thermometer
  23. Safety Pins
  24. Antiseptic / Disinfectant spray / cream or wipes
  25. Burn gel
  26. Anti-fungal cream


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